Thanksgiving is sneaking up on us! And if you are like most of us you still have some last minute stitching to get done. So we thought we would do an applique tutorial to show just how quick and easy our turkey zig zag stitch design is! We have included pictures with step by step instructions as well as a short video of the entire applique process to help you complete your Thanksgiving applique and embroidery project.
Zig Zag applique is one of the hottest trends at the moment simply because it produces quality appliqués but is so much quicker than a satin applique design. I mean seriously how adorable is this little cutie?! (And it’s available in both boy and girl options)
So let’s jump in! With this applique design the banner provides the perfect place to customize your applique design if you have embroidery software. In this applique tutorial I am using Embrilliance. You will open your design. Go to the font window and simply type the name or sentiment in the font box. Select your embroidery font, I am using the Embroidery Boutique Ballerina Vintage in this example. Then, reposition the name in the applique banner and you are ready to save it and move it to your embroidery machine.
For this turkey applique design I have chosen to use 5 different fabrics with coordinating embroidery thread. You could use 6 different fabrics for this applique but I chose to make her wings the same color as her applique bow. To prep each of my fabrics I have cut small rectangles that will cover the entire area of the applique design and applied Heat n Bond Lite to the back of each.
Now you are ready to hoop your blank item and attach the frame to your embroidery machine and begin your zig zag applique design. The first step of each section will stitch an outline so you know exactly where to place your fabric for the applique step.
Once this step is completed you will simply lay your fabric that you have previously prepared over the embroidery design. The next step will be a tack down stitch. With this step you want to make sure that as your machine is stitching your fabric stays in place and is smooth by lightly holding it in place as your embroidery machine stitches. This is one of the most important steps to insure your end result is a quality and professional applique design.
Now that your fabric is tacked down you will need to trim around the tack down stitches being careful not to snip the stitch. I personally like to use a pair of small sharp snips so that I can get as close as possible to the embroidery design. Since this is a zig zag applique design keep in mind that you will still be able to see the edge of the fabric so you want to keep it as neat as possible while trimming away the excess.
Once you have trimmed the applique fabric you will place your embroidery hoop back on your machine. The next step of the applique design will stitch your finishing zig zag stitch. You will then repeat the same process 5 times for the remaining applique sections. Outline stitch, place fabric, tack down stitch, remove hoop and trim, replace hoop and stitch the zig zag finishing stitch.
Now your embroidered shirt, kitchen towel or item of your choice for this adorable turkey banner applique is starting to look more like a finished embroidery project! From here you will finish the final steps of embroidering her face and your name or sentiment if you chose to personalize the banner.
You really can’t beat how quick a zig zag applique design stitches out! You have now finished your Thanksgiving applique design and it is sure to impress your friends and family at your holiday festivities!
If you need a little more detailed step by step process of an applique design we have included a video overview of the applique process for this Thanksgiving turkey embroidery design below. Happy stitching!!